A collection of various tips and tricks for those that are yet to start or have recently started Enshrouded. You wish you knew this!

Simple things I wish I knew when starting Enshrouded
Honestly, there are no things I wish I knew before starting Enshroud. I’m glad I got it on release and experienced everything first-hand. The experience is so much better this way. But if you’re looking for some tips that will save you some butt pain, here you go.
- You will be able to use the items lying in the chests when crafting. You just haven’t discovered this feature yet. Look for a carpenter 🙂
- Always carry a pickaxe with you.You never know when you’ll need to dig a tunnel, excavate a chest, or dig out some steps on a steep mountain.
- The available map is smaller than its drawn boundaries. About 3/4 is unavailable so far.
- You can place up to 20 altars — 1 for the base and 19 more as fasttravel points. Place them where there are no natural fasttravel points (spires).
- You can repair items in bandit camps.Convenient if you are far away from teleports.
- There are hotkeys for inventory/container management. Pressing Shift+R will only put things that are already there in the chest, leaving everything else in the inventory.
- The hunter will allow you to craft a bag that adds 8, 16, and 24 slots to your inventory.
- If you see a locked door, and you don’t have any lockpicks or anything to make them out of — just smash the wall next to it with a pickaxe or break the door with an axe (if it’s wooden).
- Don’t hesitate to break everything — barrels, furniture, other utensils: a lot of metal scraps can be obtained this way.
- The fights will become more difficult. Enemies will be more aggressive, there will be more of them. ” Beating babies” is a “bonus” of the starting location.

- If you’re in fog and time is running out, try to find something tall like a hill or building. The fog spreads into the lowlands, and an elevation is a good way to get out of it without running out of the zone.
- You can use the colour of the fog as a guide. Blue is good for you, while red is instant death. You can increase your fog tolerance and “turn” red fog into blue fog.
- You must drink potions that increase the time in the fog BEFORE descending into the fog.
- Everything outside the altar zone resets when relogging (solo) or once per game day. So it is pointless to demolish buildings in villages if they are not inside the zone. The opposite is also true — if you cut down a tree inside the zone, it will disappear forever.
- Farming is unbalanced in a positive way. With minimal effort you can get hundreds of items with only a couple of items initially.
- You will need a lot of water. The only reliable (and constant) source of water is the wells in the villages. There will also be a personal well, but you need to make it to the recipe.
- Resin falls from any trees. Although people on the internet say that it falls from non-green trees (in the first location it’s mostly yellow) more actively.
- Bases can be built underground. Not that it’s necessary, but it can be done.
- For underground bases, you don’t have to dig everything out with a pickaxe first. The landscape is “removed” when you put blocks in it. So you can “dig” with a four meter foundations.
- You don’t have to put your bow and staff on the hotbar. You can equip them from your backpack.
- The character exists separately from the world. That is, you can enter any world with your character.
- Quests are shared across the server. That is, if someone joins you on the fifth day of the game, and you have done all the quests — they will not see them and will not get experience for them.