Palia alpha test screenshow showing user interface and players cooking pies

First UI screen­shots of Palia, the “cozy MMO”

In their lat­est blog, Sin­gu­lar­i­ty 6, found­ed by for­mer Bliz­zard and Riot devs, shared details about the ongo­ing alpha test. Among var­i­ous (beau­ti­ful) ones, a cou­ple were screen­shots show­ing UI of Palia — these are of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to me.

Over­all, the inter­face is designed to fit the visu­al style of the game.

Based on the info I found, peo­ple who did the UI/UX worked at Riot Games, Bliz­zard, and Boss Fight Enter­tain­ment before.

In gen­er­al, the inter­face is pret­ty stan­dard built — quick slots are at the bot­tom (right), the chat is at the bot­tom left, and the quest log is in the mid­dle at the right-hand edge of the screen:

But there are some pecu­liar­i­ties in these new Palia UI screen­shots, though. As I under­stand it, the com­bat sys­tem is whol­ly option­al, so instead of the clas­sic HP bar on the top left, there is an XP bar:

Instead of the usu­al min­imap, there is a time of day indi­ca­tor. Appar­ent­ly, it’s an essen­tial part of the game­play; oth­er­wise, I’m not sure why it’s there in the HUD.

Looks like quest marks, and the rest of them will be dis­played on the com­pass that we can see on a cou­ple of the screens in the top mid­dle part of the screen:

I bet the UI will under­go many changes, includ­ing those based on the feed­back from play­ers received dur­ing alpha and beta tests, and the release ver­sion inter­face will look noth­ing like we see on these screen­shots. It’s enough to remem­ber the first Bal­dur’s Gate III screen­shots and what we see now.